Mixtec language

Spoken in Mexico; USA
Region Oaxaca, Puebla, Guerrero; California
Native speakers 550,000  (date missing)
Language family
Writing system Latin
Official status
Official language in Mexico
Regulated by Academy of the Mixtec Language
Language codes
ISO 639-3 either:
mxv – Metlatónoc Mixtec
mih – Chayuco Mixtec and 50 other Mixtec codes
Indigenous languages of Mexico with more than 100,000 speakers. Mixtec is marked on the map by dark green.

The Mixtec language, actually multiple languages, belong to Otomanguean language family of Mexico, and are closely related to the Trique and Cuicatec languages. They are spoken by over half a million people.[1] Identifying how many Mixtec languages there are in this complex dialect continuum poses challenges at the level of linguistic theory. Depending on the criteria for distinguishing dialects from languages, there may be as many as fifty Mixtec languages.[2]


Language name

The name "Mixtec" is a Nahuatl exonym, from [miʃ] 'cloud' [teka] 'inhabitant of place of'.[3] Speakers of Mixtec use an expression (which varies by dialect) to refer to their own language, and generally this expression means "word of the rain": Tu'un Sávi [tũˀũ saβi] in one variety, for example, and Dà'àn Dávi [ðãˀã ðaβi] in another.


The Mixtec language group belongs to the Otomanguean family, whose urheimat may be the valley of Tehuacán (Puebla).[4] This site was one of the places of the domestication of maize. The thousand-year presence of Otomanguean-speaking groups in this region makes it probable that they were active in this domestication process, which favored the inhabitants of the Altiplano's transition to a sedentary lifestyle and thus influenced the development of Mesoamerican civilization.[5] Campbell and Kaufman have proposed that the Otomanguean languages began to diverge about 1500 BCE. The difficulty of establishing more general relationships between the eight subgroups of the family presents a difficulty for making more detailed inferences on the historical development of the languages.

Proto Otomanguean has been reconstructed by Robert Longacre and Calvin Rensch. The phonological system of the protolanguage has nine consonants, four vowels, and four tones.[6] The groups of consonants and the diphthongs formed from this limited repertory would have been the origin of the phonemes in the daughter protolanguages of the various subgroups of Proto-Otomanguean. Some of the most significant changes in the diversification of Proto-Otomanguean phonemes into Proto-Mixtecan phonemes are the following:

Proto-Otomanguean **t **k **kʷ **s **n **y **w **nt **nk **nkʷ **ns **nn **ny **nw
Proto-Mixtecan *t *k *y *w *ⁿd *ⁿg *ⁿgʷ *ⁿgʷ *l *m

Rensch revised the reconstruction work of Longacre. He revised the probable phonological inventory and described some of his proposals, based on comparisons of the cognates in the Mixtecan languages. After this work, he proposed a reconstruction of the phonological system of Proto-Mixtecan.[7] This proposal contains sixteen consonants, four vowels, and four tones.

Reconstruction of the Proto-Mixtecan consonant system
  Labial Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glotal
Oclusivas *t *ⁿd   *k *kʷ
*ⁿg *ⁿgʷ
Fricatives   *x *xʷ *h
Aproximants *l *j *w  
Nasal consonant *m *n    
Source: Rensch (1977): 59.


The traditional range of the Mixtecan languages is the region known as La Mixteca, which is shared by the states of Oaxaca, Puebla and Guerrero. Because of migration from this region, mostly as a result of extreme poverty, the Mixtecan languages have expanded to Mexico's main urban areas, particularly the State of México and the Federal District, to certain agricultural areas such as the San Quintín valley in Baja California and parts of Morelos and Sonora, and even into the United States.


Dialectal variation

The Mixtec language is a complex set of regional dialects which were already in place at the time of the Spanish Conquest of the Mixteca region. The varieties of Mixtec are sometimes grouped by geographic area, using designations such as those of the Mixteca Alta, the Mixteca Baja, and the Mixteca de la Costa. However, the dialects do not actually follow the geographic areas, and the precise historical relationships between the different varieties have not been worked out.[8] The situation is far more complex than a simple dialect chain because dialect boundaries are often abrupt and substantial, some likely due to population movements both before and after the Spanish conquest. The number of varieties of Mixtec depends in part on what the criteria are for grouping them, of course; at one extreme, government agencies once recognized no dialectal diversity. Mutual intelligibility surveys and local literacy programs have led SIL International to identify more than 50 varieties which have been assigned distinct ISO codes.[9] Attempts to carry out literacy programs in Mixtec which cross these dialect boundaries have not met with great success. The varieties of Mixtec have functioned as de facto separate languages for hundreds of years with virtually none of the characteristics of a single "language". As the differences are typically as great as between members of the Romance language family, and since unifying sociopolitical factors do not characterize the linguistic complex, they are often referred to as separate languages.


The simple presentation of the phonemes of Mixtec is complicated by the significant internal diversity to this language or family of languages. Furthermore, different analyses of the phonology have given quite different results; the phonology of these languages is deceptively simple-looking and much more interesting than it first appears to be. The list below presents some of the most common consonants and vowels shared by the different Mixtec languages (excluding sounds only found in loanwords).

Consonants of the Mixtec languages
Bilabial Interdental Alveolar Palatoalveolar Palatal Velar
voiceless voiced voiceless voiced voiceless voiced voiceless voiced voiceless voiced voiceless voiced
Plosive p t k,
Fricative δ s ʃ x
Nasal m n, nᵈ ɲ1
Approximant w [β] l j [ʒ]
Tap ɾ
1Most commonly actually a nasalized palatal approximant.
Vowels of the Mixtec languages
Front Central Back
Close i ɨ u
Middle e o
Open a
Plus nasalization and glottalization

Not all varieties of Mixtec have the sibilant /s/. Some do not have the interdental fricative /ð/. Some do not have the velar fricative /x/. A few have the affricate /ts/. By some analyses, the sounds /m/ and /w/ ([β]) are allophones conditioned by nasalization (see below), as are /n/ and /nᵈ/, also /ɲ/ and /j/ ([ʒ]).


One of the most particular features of Mixtec is its use of tones, a characteristic it shares with all other Otomanguean languages. Despite its importance in the language, the tonal analyses of Mixtec have been many and quite different one from another. Some varieties of Mixtec display complex tone sandhi.[10] (Another Mixtecan language, Trique, has one of the most complex tonal systems in the world,[11] with one variety, Chicahuaxtla Trique, having at least ten tones and, according to some observers, as many as 16.)[12]

It is commonly claimed that Mixtec distinguishes three different tones: high, middle, and low. Tones may be used lexically; for example:

Kuu [kùū] to be
Kuu [kūù] to die

In some varieties of Mixtec, tone is also used grammatically since the vowels or whole syllables with which they were associated historically have been lost.

In the practical writing systems the representation of tone has been somewhat varied. It does not have a high functional load generally, although in some languages tone is all that indicates different aspects and distinguishes affirmative from negative verbs.


The nasalisation of vowels and consonants in Mixtec is an interesting phenomenon that has had various analyses. All of the analyses agree that nasalization is contrastive and that it is somewhat restricted. In most varieties, it is clear that nasalization is limited to the right edge of a morpheme (such as a noun or verb root), and spreads leftward until it is blocked by an obstruent (plosive, affricate or fricative in the list of Mixtec consonants). A somewhat more abstract analysis of the Mixtec facts claims that the spreading of nasalization is responsible for the surface "contrast" between two kinds of bilabials (/m/ and /β/, with and without the influence of nasalization, respectively), between two kinds of palatals (/ʒ/ and nasalized /j/--often less accurately (but more easily) transcribed as /ɲ/--with and without nasalization, respectively), and even two kinds of coronals (/n/ and /nᵈ/, with and without nasalization, respectively).[13] Nasalized vowels which are contiguous to the nasalized variants are less strongly nasalized than in other contexts. This situation is known to have been characteristic of Mixtec for at least the last 500 years since the earliest colonial documentation of the language shows the same distribution of consonants.


The glottalization of vowels (heard as a glottal stop after the vowel, and analyzed as such in early analyses) is a distinctive and interesting contrastive feature of Mixtec languages, as it is of other Otomanguean languages.[14]

Writing systems

The Mixtecs, like many other Mesoamerican peoples, developed their own writing system, and their codices that have survived are one of the best sources for knowledge about the pre-Hispanic culture of the Oaxacan region prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. With the defeat of the lordship of Tututepec in 1522, the Mixtecs were brought under Spanish colonial rule, and many of their relics were destroyed. However, some codices were saved from destruction, and are today mostly held by European collections, including the Codex Zouche-Nuttall and the Codex Vindobonensis; one exception is the Codex Colombino, kept by the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

The missionaries who brought the Roman Catholic religion to the Mixtecs set about learning their language and produced several grammars of the Mixtec language, similar in style to Antonio de Nebrija's Gramática Castellana. They also began work on transcribing the Mixtec langages into the Latin alphabet. In recent decades small changes in the alphabetic representation of Mixtec have been put into practice by the Academy of the Mixtec Language. Areas of particular interest include the following:

The alphabet adopted by the Academy of the Mixtec Language and later by the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), contains the following letters (indicated below with their corresponding phonemes).

Alphabet of the Mixtecan Languages (ndusu tu'un sávi)
Symbol IPA Example Meaning Approximate pronunciation
a a andívi sky Similar to the English a in father
ch chitia banana Like English ch in chocolate
d ð de he Like English th in father
e e ve'e home Like Spanish e in este
g ɡ g more Like English g in go
i i ita̱ flower Like English i in machine
ɨ ɨ kɨni pig Like Russian ы or Romanian î
j x ji̱'in shall drop Like the j in Mexican Spanish
k k kúmi four Hard c, like English cool
l l luu beautiful Like Spanish l in letra
m m ña'm shall confess Like English m in mother
n n kuná'ín shall cease Like English n in no
nd nᵈ ita ndeyu̱ orchid Pronounced similar to an n followed by a slight non-nasal d-like transition to the oral vowel.
ng ŋ ngo̱o to settle Like English ng in eating
ñ ɲ ñuuyivi world Similar to Spanish ñ in caña, but typically without letting the tongue actually touch the hard palate.
o o chiso sister-in-law Similar to English o in toe
p p pi'lu piece Similar to English p in pin
r ɾ ru'u I Is sometimes trilled.
s s sá'a cunningness Like English s in sit
t t tájí shall send Like English t in tin
ts ts tsi'ina puppy-dog Like ț in Romanian or ц in Russian
u u Nuuyoo Mexico Like English u in tune
v β vilu cat Similar to Spanish v in lava
x ʃ yuxé'é door Like the initial sound in English shop
y ʒ yuchi dust Like English ge in beige
' ˀ ndá'a hand When a vowel is glottalized it is pronounced as if it ends in a glottal stop. It is not uncommon for a glottalized vowel to have an identical but non-glottalized vowel after it.

One of the main obstacles in establishing an alphabet for the Mixtec language is its status as a vernacular tongue. The social domain of the language is eminently domestic, since federal law requires that all dealings with the state be conducted in Spanish, even though the country's autochthonous languages enjoy the status of "national languages". Few printed materials in Mixtec exist and, up to a few years ago, written literature in the language was practically non-existent. There is little exposure of Mixtec in the media, other than on the CDI's indigenous radio system – XETLA and XEJAM in Oaxaca; XEZV-AM in Guerrero; and XEQIN-AM in Baja California – and a bilingual radio station based in the USA in Los Angeles, California, where a significant Mixtec community can be found.

At the same time, the fragmentation of the Mixtec language and its varieties means that texts published in one variety may be utterly incomprehensible to speakers of another. In addition, most speakers are unaware of the official orthography adopted by the SEP and the Mixtec Academy, and some even doubt that their language can lend itself to a written form.

Grammar and syntax


Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns in Atatláhuca Mixtec[15]
Person Type Independent Dependent Used for
First person exclusive Formal sa̱ñá I (form.)
Informal ru'u̱ ri I (inform.)
Second person Formal ní'ín you (form.)
Informal ró'ó you (inform.)
Third person de he
ña she
i s/he (child)
ya̱ s/he (god)
it (animal)
te it (water)
First person inclusive yó'ó we (incl.)

Personal pronouns are richly represented in Mixtec.

First and second person pronouns

Many varieties (but not all) have distinct "formal" and "informal" pronouns for first person and second person (except in the first person plural inclusive). If addressing a person of his own age or older, the speaker uses the formal pronouns. If addressing a younger person, the speaker uses the informal pronouns. The first person exclusive pronouns may be interpreted as either singular or plural. The second person pronouns may also be interpreted as either singular or plural.

It is common to find a first person inclusive form that is interpreted as meaning to include the hearer as well as the speaker.

First and second person pronouns have both independent forms and dependent (enclitic) forms. The dependent forms are used when the pronoun follows a verb (as subject) and when it follows a noun (as possessor). The independent forms are used elsewhere (although there are some variations on this rule).

Jiní de sa̱ñá
[knows 3m 1exc]
"He knows me."
Ró'ó kí'i̱n va̱'a ga
[2 will.go good more]
"It will be better if you go."
Va̱ni nisá'a
[well did 2]
"You did well."
Third person pronouns

For the third person pronouns, Mixtec has several pronouns that indicate whether the referent is a man, a woman, an animal, a child or an inanimate object, a sacred or divine entity, or water. Some languages have respect forms for the man and woman pronouns. Some languages have other pronouns as well (such as for trees.) (These pronouns show some etymological affinity to nouns for 'man', 'woman', 'tree', etc., but they are distinct from those nouns.) These may be pluralized (in some varieties, if one wishes to be explicit) by using the common plural marker de in front of them, or by using explicit plural forms that have evolved.

Interrogative pronouns

Mixtec has two interrogatives, which are na vé ([²na ³ve]= "what/which"?) and nasaa ([²na.²saa]= "how much/many?"). The tone of these does not change according to the tense, person, or tone of the surrounding phrase.


Mixtec verb tenses

Verb conjugation in Mixtec
Future Present Past Meaning
[²ni s.²te³ẽ]
to teach
[²ni s.³ka.²xi]
to feed
[²ni s.³kɨ.²vɨ]
to put
[²ni s.³ta¹ã]
to destroy
[²ni ²ndu.³ku]
to seek
[²ni ²ku.²nu]
to sew
[²ni ²ji.²ta]
to sing
[²ni ³xe.²sɨ]
to close
[²ni ¹xe'.²e]
to give
[²ni ²ki.¹ʃi]
to sleep

Mixtec verbs have no infinitive form. The basic form of the Mixtec verb is the future tense, and many conjugated future verb forms are also used for the present tense. To obtain the present of an irregular verb, the tone is modified in accordance with set of complicated prosodic rules. Another class of irregular verbs beginning with [k] mutate that sound to either [xe] or [xi] in the present tense. To form the preterite (past) tense, the particle ni- ([²ni]) is added. That particle causes a shift in the tone of the following verb and, while the particle itself may be omitted in informal speech, the tonal modification invariably takes place.

Mixtec lacks an imperfect, pluperfect, and all the compound tenses found in other languages. In addition, Mixtec verb conjugations do not have indicators of person or number (resembling, in this, English more than Spanish). A selection of Mixtec sentences exemplifying the three verbal tenses appears below:

Te máá ró sanaa te kusɨɨ ni ro̱ te kiji ró ɨɨn jínu nájnu'un domingu te kinu'un ro̱.
[And same you perhaps and shall-be–happy you and shall-come you one time as Sunday and shall-return you]
"And perhaps you shall be happy, shall come on Sunday, and shall return home"
Tu jíní-yo̱ ndese skánda-de te jíka kamión
[Not know-we how moves-he and advances truck]
"We don't know what he does to make the truck go"
Ni-steén-de nuu̱ ná.
[Past-taught-he to I]
Steén-de nuu̱ ná.
[Taught-he to I]
"He taught me"

Verb classes

Causative verbs

Causative verbs are verb forms modified by a prefix indicating that the action is performed by the agent of the phrase. Mixtec causative verbs are indicated by the prefix s-. Like other Mixtec particles, the causative prefix leads to a shift in the orthography and pronunciation of the related verb. When the verb to which the prefix is added begins with [ⁿd], that phoneme is transformed into a [t]. Verbs beginning with [j] shift to [i]. There is no difference in future and present causitive verbs, but the past tense is invariably indicated by adding the particle ni-.

Regular causative
Normal verb: tɨ̱ví

It shall decompose, decomposes"

Causative verb: stɨ̱ví

"He shall damage it, he damages it"

Irregular causative: nd > t shift
Normal verb: ndo'o-ña

She shall suffer, she suffer

Causative verb: stó'o-ña

"She shall cause to suffer, she causes to suffer"

Irregular causative: y > i shift
Normal verb: yu̱'ú-tí

"The animal shall fear, the animal fears"

Causative verb: siú'ú-tí

"The animal shall cause fear, the animal causes fear"

Repetitive verbs

The prefix na- indicates that the action of the related verb is being performed for a second occasion. This means that there is a repetition of the action, made by the subject of the sentence or another unidentified agent.

The pronunciation of some irregular verbs changes in the repetitive form. For example, certain verbs beginning with [k] take [ⁿd] o [n] the instead of na- particle. In addition, there are some verbs that never appear without this prefix: in other words, it is part of their structure.

Regular repetitive verb
Normal verb: Ki̱ku-ña sa'ma

[shall-sew–she clothes]
"She shall sew the clothes"

Repetitive verb: Naki̱ku-ña sa'ma

[again–shall-sew–she clothes]
"She shall repair the clothes"

Regular repetitive verb: k > nd shift
Normal verb: Kaa-de

"He shall rise"

Verbo causativo: Ndaa-de

"He shall rise again"

Copulative verbs

Copulative verbs ("linking verbs") establish links between two nouns, a noun and an adjective, or a noun and a pronoun. Mixtec has four such verbs:

Káá is only used with adjectives that describe a thing's appearance. The other three can be used with practically any adjective, albeit with slight semantic shifts.

Copulative verbs
Maéstru kúu-te̱e ún.

[Teacher is–man a]
"The man is a teacher

Maestru kúu.

[Teacher is–man]
"He is a teacher"

Ndíchí koo-ró

[intelligent shall-be–you]
"You will be intelligent"

Va̱ni íyó itu.

[Good is crop]
"The crop is fine"

Káa likuxi sɨkɨ̱ tɨ̱.

[appears grey back its-(animal's)]
The animal's back is grey"

Kúká ní-i̱yo-de.

[Rich past–was-he]
"He was rich but is no longer"

Descriptive verbs

Descriptive verbs are a special class that can be used as either verbs or adjectives. One of these verbs followed by a pronoun is all that is needed to form a complete sentence in Mixtec. Descriptives are not conjugated: they always appear in the present tense. To give the same idea in the past or future tenses, a copulative verb must be used.

Descriptive verbs

[shall-enrich he ]
"He is rich"

Ve̱yɨ nuní.

[shall-weigh maize]
"The maize is heavy"

Descriptives with contracted copulas
Vijna te kúkúká-de.

[now and is-rich–he]
"Now he is rich"


"He became rich again"

Modal verbs

Modal verbs are a small group that may be followed by another verb. Only the relative pronoun jee̱ can occasionally appear between a modal and its associated verb, except in sentences involving kuu (can, to be able).

Kuu ka'u-de tatu.
[can shall-read–he paper]
"He will be able to read a book"
Kánuú je̱é ki'ín-de.
[must that shall-go–he]
"He must go"

Verb moods

Indicative mood

The indicative mood describes actions in real life that have occurred, are occurring, or will occur. The verb forms of the indicative mood are described above, in the section on verb tenses.

Imperative mood

Imperatives are formed by adding the particle -ni to the future indicative form of the verb. In informal speech, the simple future indicative is frequently used, although the pronoun may be appended. There are three irregular verbs with imperative forms different to their future indicative. Negative imperatives are formed by adding the word , the equivalent of "don't".

Imperative mood
Formal Informal Negative
Kaa̱n .




Kaa̱n ro̱.


Má kaa̱n ro̱.

"Don't speak!"

Subjunctive mood

In Mixtec, the subjunctive mood serves as a mild command. It is formed by placing the particle na before the future form of the verb. When used in the first person, it gives the impression that the speaker closely reflects on the action before performing it.

Third-person subjunctive First-person subjunctive
Na kívɨ-de ve'e.

[subjunctive shall-enter–he house]
"Let him enter the house"

Na kí'ín-na.

[subjunctive shall-go–I]
Then I shall go"

Counter-factual mood

The counter-factual mood indicates that the action was not performed or remained incomplete. To form the past counter-factual, is added added and the tones of the verb change from preterite to present. A counter-factual statement not accompanied by a subordinate clause acquires the meaning "If only..." The particle núú can be added at the end of the main or subordinate clauses, should the speaker wish, with no change in meaning. Examples are shown below:

Ní-jí'í-de tajna̱ chi je ni-nduva̱'a-de.
[counter-factual–past-took–he medicine and already past–cured–he]
"If he had taken the medicine, he would be better by now"
Ní-jí'í-de tajna̱.
[counter-factual–past–took–he medicine]
"If only he had taken the medicine!"
Ní-jí'í-de tajna̱ núú.
[counter-factual–past–took–he medicine counter-factual]
"If only he had taken the medicine!"
Núú ní-jí'í-de tajna̱.
[counter-factual counter-factual–past–took–he medicine]
"If only he had taken the medicine!"
Núu ní-jí'í-de tajna̱.
[if counter-factual–took–he medicine counter-factual]
"If only he had taken the medicine!"
Kiji-de te tu ni-kúu.
[counter-factual–shall-come and not past-can]
"He was going to come, but was unable to"


Nouns indicate persons, animals, inanimate objects or abstract ideas. Mixtec has few nouns for abstract ideas; when they do not exist, it uses verbal constructions instead. When a noun is followed by another in a sentence, the former serves as the nucleus of the phrase, with the latter acting as a modifier. In many such constructions, the modifier possesses the nucleus.

Ndu̱yu ka̱a
[stake metal]
Ina te̱e yúkuan
[dog man that]
"That man's dog"

The base number of Mixtec nouns is singular. Pluralisation is effected by means of various grammatical and lexical tools. For example, a noun's number can be implicit if the phrase uses a plural pronoun (first person inclusive only) or if one of various verb affixes that modify the meaning are used: -koo and -ngoo (suffixes) and ka- (prefix). A third way to indicate a plural is the (untranslatable) particle jijná'an, which can be placed before or after verbs, pronouns, or nouns.

Te máá yó'-kúu ñayuu yúku ndé lugar yá'a
[and same we-are person we-live up-to place this]
"We are the ones who live in this place"
Te sukúan ndo'o ñayuu
[And so plural-suffer person]
"In that way people suffer"
Te ni-kekoo te̱e ún
[And past-arrived–plural man he]
"The men arrived"


Deictic adverbs are often used in a noun phrase as demonstrative adjectives.[16] Some Mixtec languages distinguish two such demonstratives, others three (proximal, medial, distal), and some four (including one that indicates something out of sight). The details vary from variety to variety, as do the actual forms. In some varieties one of these demonstratives is also used anaphorically (to refer to previously mentioned nominals in the discourse), and in some varieties a special anaphoric demonstrative (with no spatial use) is found. These demonstratives generally occur at the end of the noun phrase (sometimes followed by a "limiter"). The demonstratives are also used (in some varieties) following a pronominal head as a kind of complex pronoun.


Conjunctions serve to join two words, two phrases, or two analogous sentences. Mixtec possesses twelve coordinating conjunctions and ten subordinating conjunctions.

te (and, but)
te o (but)
jíín (and)
chi (because, and)
chí (or)
á... chí (either... or)
ni... ni... (neither... nor)
sa/sa su'va (but rather that)
yu̱kúan na (then, so)
yu̱kúan (so)
je̱e yu̱kúan (for)
suni (also)
náva̱'a (so that)
je̱e (that)
sɨkɨ je̱e (because)
nájnu̱n (how)
ve̱sú (although)
núu (if)
na/ níní na (when)
ná/ níní (while)
nde (until, since)
kue̱chi (no more)

Word order in the clause

Mixtec is a verb–subject–object language. Variations in this word order, particularly the use of the preverbal position, are employed to highlight information.

Mixtec influence on Spanish

Perhaps the most significant contribution of the Mixtec language to Mexican Spanish is in the field of place names, particularly in the western regions of the state of Oaxaca, where several communities are still known by Mixtec names (joined with a saint's name): San Juan Ñumí, San Bartolo Yucuañe, Santa Cruz Itundujia, and many more. In Puebla and Guerrero, Mixtec place names have been displaced by Nahuatl and Spanish names. An example is Yucu Yuxin (in Puebla), which is now known as Gabino Barreda.

Mixtecan literature

Prior to the Spanish Conquest in the early 16th century, the native peoples of Mesoamerica maintained several literary genres. Their compositions were transmitted orally, through institutions at which members of the elite would acquire knowledge of literature and other areas of intellectual activity. Those institutions were mostly destroyed in the aftermath of the Conquest, as a result of which most of the indigenous oral tradition was lost for ever. Most of the codices used to record historical events or mythical understanding of the world were destroyed, and the few that remain were taken away from the peoples that created them. Four Mixtec codices are known to survive, narrating the war exploits of the Lord Eight Deer Jaguar Claw. Of these, three are held by European collections, with one still in Mexico. The key to deciphering these codices was rediscovered only in the mid-20th century, largely through the efforts of Alfonso Caso, as the Mixtec people had lost the understanding of their ancient rules of reading and writing.

However, the early Spanish missionaries undertook the task of teaching indigenous peoples (the nobility in particular) to read and write. Through the efforts of those missionaries, or those of the Hispanicized natives, certain works of indigenous literature were able to survive to the modern day. Over the five centuries that followed the Conquest, Mixtec literature was restricted to the popular sphere. Through music or the way in which certain rituals are carried out, popular Mixtec literature has survived as did for millennia: by means of oral transmission.

It was not until the 1990s that indigenous literature in Mexico took off again. At the vanguard were the Zapotecs of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, who had been recording their language in writing since at least the mid-19th century. Imitating the great cultural movement of the indigenous people of Juchitán de Zaragoza in the 1980s, many native cultures reclaimed their languages as literary vehicles. In 1993 the Asociación de Escritores en Lenguas Indígenas was created and, three years later, the Casa del Escritor en Lengua Indígena. At the same time, the Nezahualcóyotl Prize for indigenous language literature was created, in order to promote writing in Native American tongues.

In the Mixteca region, the literary renaissance has been led by the peoples of the Mixteca Alta, including the cities of Tlaxiaco and Juxtlahuaca. The former has produced such notable writers as Raúl Gatica, who published works by several Mixtec poets in the book Asalto a la palabra, and Juan de Dios Ortiz Cruz, who in addition to collecting the region's lyrical compositions has also produced notable pieces of his own, such as Yunu Yukuninu ("Tree, Hill of Yucuninu"). That piece was later set to music by Lila Downs, one of the leading figures in contemporary Mixtec music; she has recorded several records containing compositions in Mixtec, a language spoken by her mother.


  1. ^ 2000 census; the numbers are based on the number of total population for each group and the percentages of speakers given on the website of the Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, http://www.cdi.gob.mx/index.php?id_seccion=660, accessed 28 July 2008).
  2. ^ According to the Summer Institute of Linguistics
  3. ^ Campbell 1997:402)
  4. ^ Suárez, 1983: 153.
  5. ^ Bellwood: 2005, 239.
  6. ^ Rensch, 1966.
  7. ^ Rensch, 1977: 59.
  8. ^ See Josserand (1983) for one important attempt. Adaptations of Josserand's dialect maps are published in Macaulay 1996.
  9. ^ "Ethnologue name language index", Ethnologue web site, accessed 28 July 2008.
  10. ^ McKendry (2001)
  11. ^ Hollenbach (1984)
  12. ^ Longacre (1957)
  13. ^ Marlett (1992), McKendry (2001)
  14. ^ Macaulay and Salmons (1995)
  15. ^ Alexander (1980:57ff)
  16. ^ Bradley and Hollenbach (1988, 1990, 1991, 1992).

See also


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